Looking for an
affordable concrete construction technique to use?
Insulated concrete forms (ICF) offer an affordable building technique for
the professional contractor or the do-it-yourself builder.
What are Insulated Concrete Forms?
ICF are insulated concrete forms that--unlike conventional forms--are not removed
after the concrete is added.
Fold-Form©, and
Lite-Deck© are all ICF products. These insulated forms, as the name suggests, also provide
built-in insulation for the concrete wall, floor, or roof.
Why build with ICF?
Here are just a few of the reasons that ICF construction is a great
- Comfort: Insulated concrete form
(ICF) construction offers greater protection from extreme outdoor weather
than conventional wood-framed construction. The combination of solid
concrete and insulation give you a wonderful indoor climate year-round.
- Quiet: The thick walls built with
insulated concrete forms provide an effective barrier from annoying
outside sounds. You and your family are protected from unwanted external
noise, making your home wonderfully quiet.
- Health: Breathe easy. The air in
ICF-constructed homes contains less allergens and dust than in
conventionally-constructed homes. There are no toxic emissions from the
insulated concrete forms. With ICF, your home can protect and and enhance
your family's health.
- Safety: In an emergency, a "Safe
Room" is a haven you and your family should have. Reinforced concrete or
masonry walls are recommended in building a Safe Room. A "Safe Home" is
even better. Lite-Form© constructed homes are better at
withstanding tornadoes, hurricanes, and fire. And, if you're worried about
air quality, there are no toxic emissions from the insulated concrete
forms, so you and your family can breathe easy.
- Cost-Effectiveness: Concrete homes
built with ICF construction are affordable for the homeowner. Fold-Form©
structures often cost less to build and maintain than conventional
building systems. The high insulating R-Values of insulated concrete form products create a
well-insulated home with lower energy costs. The use of these
energy-efficient building materials may result in appreciably lower
utility bills. The solid construction also means less repair and
maintenance costs.
- Ease: Installation of ICF products is easy for the professional contractor or
experienced do-it-yourself builder. Hand tools and common hardware is all
that is needed for most projects. Plus, with the insulating properties of
ICF, cold weather need not be a factor. You can work year-round on your
The possibilities are virtually limitless....
Insulated concrete form construction offers almost limitless
possibilities. You can have year-round concrete construction using the
right ICF product for your project needs:
- Style Choices: Virtually any
style of home can be constructed using ICF. Choose a unique indoor
finish, or go traditional with drywall or plaster. Select a concrete
exterior finish, or choose brick, siding, or stucco. The style choice is
- Customized Shapes: No problem.
Insulated concrete form (ICF)
products such as Fold-Form© can be custom-aligned to
precisely and accurately create T-intersections, transition corners,
special corner angles, and even curved walls.
- Commercial and Industrial Construction:
Lite-Form© offers the complete ICF system for constructing
large commercial and industrial buildings. Amazingly, these projects are
usually completed using only dimensional lumber for bracing, and hand
tools. Lite-Form© and Fold-Form© also work well
for modern concrete basements, homes, and apartments.
- Floors, Decks, and Roofs: Lite-Deck©
is a stay-in-place form for reinforced concrete construction. Lite-Deck©
can clear-span 40 feet or more. This ICF product works great for
constructing "Safe Rooms", and is an ideal choice when also installing
radiant (in-floor) heating systems.
For more information on any of these ICF products, click on one of the
links below:
Lite-Form© Insulated Concrete Forms
Nationwide Seller. Prices include delivery costs to your state.
Fold-Form© Insulated Forms
Nationwide Seller. Prices include delivery costs to your state.
Nationwide Seller. Call for freight quotes.